
Showing posts from October, 2016


Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy  Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy  Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy  Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy  Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy  Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy  Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i thought to bring a smile to your face enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen its Saturday  and i ...


Ladies and gentlemen behold my wisdom tooth funny enough am just 19years 2 months  and 17 days old and my wisdom tooth has surfaced. How do I feel? Happy and bubbling with excitement I know you’re curious to know. Let’s be sincere much wont change my hobbies would forever remain sleeping eating and reading. I have read and seen scary stories of wisdom tooth those impact part, but here is the thing I believe in my wisdom tooth the both of us will make it out alive or so am praying. So join me as I raise a glass of champagne [ mind you it is orange juice but who cares] as we welcome my newest friend WISDOM TOOTH IS BAE             


Ideas for First Date Questions. Select a few of these questions rather than attempt to ask them all on the same first date! 1. What sort of vacations do you like to take? Why: Different vacation preferences or amounts of vacation time can be a major source of ongoing incompatibility. For example, if one person likes to take very long trips and the other person has a more standard two weeks vacation time . 2. How was your day? Why: This question helps establish if your date has a positive or negative attitude? If asking this question leads to five solid minutes of them complaining you'll know the person sees the glass as half empty. Also, if anything out of the ordinary has happened that might be affecting your date’s mood, it’s good to factor this in. 3. Tell me about your friends? Why: When you enter a relationship with someone you’re also entering a relationship with their friends. Also, it’s nice to give your date an opportunity to answer a question that isn'...


Every girl loves shoe no matter how old she is here are my shoe crushes 1.             2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.