
Showing posts from January, 2017


Below are 26 LIFE PRINCIPLES* that will help you in 2017. Enjoy. *A*  ✍🏽 *ACCEPT*  Accept others for  who they are and  for the choices they  have made even if  you have difficulty  understanding their  beliefs, motives  or actions. *B*  ✍🏽 *BREAK AWAY*  Break away from  everything that  stands in the way  of what you hope  to accomplish  with your life. *C*  ✍🏽 *CREATE*  Create a family  of friends whom  you can share your  hopes, dreams,  sorrows, and  happiness together. *D*  ✍🏽 *DECIDE* Decide that you’ll be  successful *&* happy  come what may, and  good things will find  you. The roadblocks  are only minor obstacles along  the way. *E*  ✍🏽 *EXPLORE* Explore & experiment.  The world has much  to offer, and you  have much to give. And every time you  try something new, you’ll learn more  about yourself. *F*  ✍🏽 *FORGIVE* Grudges only weigh  you down and inspire  unhappiness *&* grief.  Soar above it, and  remember that  everyone makes mistakes. *G*  ✍🏽 *GROW* Lea


My 2017 Quote and Little Advise is true ...... *CONSIDERATIONS  FOR 2017* _______________ _______________ __ *1. ON EARNING:* Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second chance. _______________ _______________ ___ *2. ON SPENDING:* If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need. _______________ _______________ __ *3. ON SAVINGS:* Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving. _______________ _______________ __ *4. ON TAKING RISK:* Never test the depth of a river with both feet. _______________ _______________ __ *5. ON INVESTMENT:* Do not put all eggs in one basket. _______________ _______________ __ *6. ON EXPECTATIONS:* Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people. _______________ _______________ __ *7. Past* is a waste paper, present is a newspaper, and future is a question paper. Come out of your past, control the present, and secure the future. _______________ ______________